Compression in Replicated Regions

This example demonstrates enabling Compression in a VMware GemFire replicated region.

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This is a simple example that demonstrates enabling Compression in a replicated region. The Default compression algorithm included with GemFire is Snappy. Additionally, you can specify your own compressor algorithm as well by implementing org.apache.geode.compression.Compression Interface. For enabling compression on a GemFire region you can follow the official document.

This example assumes you have installed JDK11 and GemFire.


  1. From the gemfire-examples/compression directory, build the example and run unit tests

     $ ../gradlew build
  2. Next start the locator, two servers and create replicated region example-region with compression enabled.

     $ gfsh run --file=scripts/start.gfsh
  3. Run the example to create and get entries using GemFire Java Client from the region

     $ ../gradlew run
  4. Shut down the system:

     $ gfsh run --file=scripts/stop.gfsh