Java Quick Start

Before starting the following example make sure you have GemFire installed.

To use a Java client with GemFire, you must add the dependencies that are appropriate for your application. The GemFire dependencies are available from the Pivotal Commercial Maven Repo. Access to the Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository requires a one-time registration step to create an account.

Add GemFire to a Project

To add GemFire to a Maven or Gradle project

  1. In a browser, navigate to the Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository.

  2. Click the Create Account link.

  3. Complete the information in the registration page and accept the EULA.

  4. Click Register.

  5. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Follow the instruction in this email to activate your account.

  6. Add the GemFire repository to your project:

    • Maven Add the following to the pom.xml file:
              <name>Pivotal GemFire Release Repository</name>
    • Gradle Add the following to the build.gradle file:
      repositories {
          maven {
              credentials {
                  username "$gemfireRepoUsername"
                  password "$gemfireRepoPassword"
              url = uri("")
  7. Add your Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository credentials.

    • Maven Add the following to the .m2/settings.xml file. Replace MY-USERNAME@example and MY-DECRYPTED-PASSWORD with your Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository credentials.
                  <username>[email protected]</username>
    • Gradle Add the following to the local .gradle/ or project file. Replace MY-USERNAME@example and MY-DECRYPTED-PASSWORD with your Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository credentials.
  8. Add the dependencies to the project.

    • Maven Add the following to your pom.xml file. Replace VERSION with the version of GemFire being used for the project.
    • Gradle Add the following to your build.gradle file. Replace $VERSION with the version of GemFire being used for the project.
      dependencies {
        implementation "com.vmware.gemfire:gemfire-core:$VERSION"

Start a GemFire Cluster

For the following client examples, start a simple cluster and create an example region.

  1. With GemFire installed or available, in a terminal start the GemFire shell (GFSH)
    $ gfsh 
  2. Using GFSH start a locator
    start locator
  3. Next, use GFSH to start a server
    start server
  4. Create a region called “helloWorld”.
    create region --name=helloWorld --type=PARTITION 

Simple Put and Get

The following is an example of connecting to the GemFire cluster started above.

This example

Build and run the application. You should see ‘HelloWorldValue’ printed in the command line.