.Net Quick Start

To begin using the VMware GemFire .NET Framework Native Client, first download the .NET Framework Client library from the Tanzu Network.

Install VMware GemFire

Download and install VMware GemFire from Tanzu Network. Follow the installation instructions in the GemFire documentation.

Introduction to GFSH

VMware GemFire provides the command line tool “gfsh” for managing GemFire clusters. Gfsh can be used to start and stop members of the cluster along with configure additional features of the product.

Start interactive gfsh shell in a terminal or console window.

$ gfsh
    _________________________     __
   / _____/ ______/ ______/ /____/ /
  / /  __/ /___  /_____  / _____  /
 / /__/ / ____/  _____/ / /    / /
/______/_/      /______/_/    /_/    10.0.0-beta.1

Monitor and Manage VMware GemFire

Start a Developer GemFire Cluster

For this tutorial we will start a basic GemFire cluster for development with one locator and server.

Start a GemFire Locator on default port 10334. The locator artifacts, such as log files, are stored in ${HOME}/locator.

$ gfsh start locator --name=locator --dir=${HOME}/locator

Locator in /home/<username>/locator on test-javaclient.localdomain[10334] as locator is currently online.
Process ID: 532579
Uptime: 10 seconds
Geode Version: 10.0.0-beta.1
Java Version: 11.0.17
Log File: /home/<username>/test/locator/locator.log
JVM Arguments: --add-exports=java.management/com.sun.jmx.remote.security=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -Dgemfire.enable-cluster-configuration=true -Dgemfire.load-cluster-configuration-from-dir=false -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806
Class-Path: /home/<username>/vmware-gemfire-10.0.0-beta.1/lib/gemfire-core-10.0.0-beta.1.jar:/home/<username>/vmware-gemfire-10.0.0-beta.1/lib/gemfire-server-all-10.0.0-beta.1.jar

Successfully connected to: JMX Manager [host=test-javaclient.localdomain, port=1099]

Cluster configuration service is up and running.

Start a GemFire Server with default a cache-server port of 40404.

$ gfsh -e "connect" -e "start server --dir=${HOME}/server --name=server"

(1) Executing - connect

Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10334] ..
Connecting to Manager at [host=test-javaclient.localdomain, port=1099] ..
Successfully connected to: [host=test-javaclient.localdomain, port=1099]

You are connected to a cluster of version 10.0.0-beta.1.

(2) Executing - start server --dir=test/server --name=server

Server in /home/<username>/server on test-javaclient.localdomain[40404] as server is currently online.
Process ID: 534075
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 10.0.0-beta.1
Java Version: 11.0.17
Log File: /home/<username>/test/server/server.log
JVM Arguments: --add-exports=java.management/com.sun.jmx.remote.security=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334] -Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806
Class-Path: /home/<username>/vmware-gemfire-10.0.0-beta.1/lib/gemfire-core-10.0.0-beta.1.jar:/home/<username>/vmware-gemfire-10.0.0-beta.1/lib/gemfire-server-all-10.0.0-beta.1.jar

A minimal GemFire cluster should now be available to use.

Next use the connect command to access the default locator at localhost and port 10334 for performing management tasks on the running GemFire cluster.


Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10334] ..
Connecting to Manager at [host=test-javaclient.localdomain, port=1099] ..
Successfully connected to: [host=test-javaclient.localdomain, port=1099]

You are connected to a cluster of version 10.0.0-beta.1.

The above response is an affirmative connection to the locator at localhost and port 10334 and should now be ready to manage the GemFire cluster.

Create a Region

A Region is the core structure in the server for holding and managing key-value data in GemFire, it is similar to a hashmap but is distributed across the server members.

While still in the gfsh interactive shell, create a partition region called example_userinfo.

gfsh>create region --name=example_userinfo --type=PARTITION

Member  | Status | Message
------- | ------ | --------------------------------------
server | OK     | Region "/example_userinfo" created on "server"

Cluster configuration for group 'cluster' is updated.

The region should now be created on server.

Download the Native Clients Libraries from the Tanzu Network

  1. In a browser, navigate to the VMware Tanzu GemFire download page.
  2. From the Releases: drop-down menu, select the most recent version of VMware Tanzu GemFire Native Client.
  3. Select the version that best suits your development platform, and download it.
  4. Uncompress the distribution archive, which may be a ZIP archive or a compressed tar file (.tar.gz or .tgz). For example:
    $ unzip pivotal-gemfire-nativeclient-windows-64bit-10.x.y.zip
    $ tar xvzf pivotal-gemfire-nativeclient-linux-64bit-10.x.y.tar.gz
  5. Add the VMware.GemFire.dll and VMware.GemFire.pdb files to your project.
  6. In your .csproj file add a reference to the dll.
          <Reference Include="VMware.GemFire.dll">

Put, Get and Remove

The following example, will PUT, GET, and REMOVE entries from the GemFire cluster and write the results out to the console.

using System;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      var cache = new CacheFactory()
          .Set("log-level", "none")
          .AddLocator("localhost", 10334)
      var regionFactory = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PROXY)
      var region = regionFactory.Create<string, string>("example_userinfo");
      Console.WriteLine("Storing id and username in the region");
      const string rtimmonsKey = "rtimmons";
      const string rtimmonsValue = "Robert Timmons";
      const string scharlesKey = "scharles";
      const string scharlesValue = "Sylvia Charles";
      region.Put(rtimmonsKey, rtimmonsValue);
      region.Put(scharlesKey, scharlesValue);
      Console.WriteLine("Getting the user info from the region");
      var user1 = region.Get(rtimmonsKey, null);
      var user2 = region.Get(scharlesKey, null);
      Console.WriteLine(rtimmonsKey + " = " + user1);
      Console.WriteLine(scharlesKey + " = " + user2);
      Console.WriteLine("Removing " + rtimmonsKey + " info from the region");
      if (region.Remove(rtimmonsKey))
        Console.WriteLine("Info for " + rtimmonsKey + " has been deleted");
        Console.WriteLine("Info for " + rtimmonsKey + " has not been deleted");