A guide to using the GemFire REST API from a Python client.
At the end of this article is an example Python script that accesses a GemFire client using the REST API.
To run this example, GemFire must first be installed and a cluster must be started with the REST API enabled.
The step-by-step instructions:
Install GemFire according the instructions found at Getting Started with VMware GemFire.
With the gemfire bin directory in your command PATH, start the GemFire shell:
> gfsh
gfsh> start locator --name=locator1
gfsh> start server --name=server1 --start-rest-api=true --http-service-port=8080 --http-service-bind-address=localhost --server-port=40405
gfsh> connect
gfsh> create region --name=demoRegion --type=REPLICATE
gfsh> exit
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This assumes you have created a region called "demoRegion". import json import uuid import requests REGION = "demoRegion" BASE_URI = "http://localhost:8080/gemfire-api/v1" headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} person = {'type': 'Person', 'firstName': 'John', 'middleName': 'Q', 'lastName': 'Public', 'birthDate': '1 Jan 1900'} def resource_uri(res=None, region=REGION): if res: return "%s/%s/%s" % (BASE_URI, region, res) return "%s/%s" % (BASE_URI, region) print("[*] First, we'll empty out our demo region - DELETE %s" % requests.delete(resource_uri())) r = requests.delete(resource_uri()) r.raise_for_status() print("[*] Now, we'll create 5 demo objects") keys = [] for i in range(1, 6): key = uuid.uuid1() keys.append(key) person['uuid'] = str(key) print("\t Creating object with key: POST %s" % key) r =, json=person, params={'key': key}, headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() print("[*] List our keys - GET %s" % resource_uri("keys")) r = requests.get(resource_uri("keys")) print(r.text) print("[*] Here's all our data - GET %s" % resource_uri()) r = requests.get(resource_uri()) print(r.text) print("[*] Now each key one by one") for key in keys: print("Fetching key - GET %s" % resource_uri(res=key)) r = requests.get(resource_uri(res=key)) print(r.text) print("[*] Now grab one, change the first name to 'Jane' and save it") print(" GET - %s" % resource_uri(res=keys[0])) r = requests.get(resource_uri(res=keys[0])) p = json.loads(r.text) p['firstName'] = 'Jane' print(" PUT - %s" % resource_uri(res=keys[0])) r = requests.put(resource_uri(res=keys[0]), json=p, headers=headers) print(" GET - %s" % resource_uri(res=keys[0])) r = requests.get(resource_uri(res=keys[0])) print(r.text)