Durable messaging can be used for subscriptions that you need maintained for your VMware GemFire clients even when your clients are down or disconnected.
This example demonstrates VMware GemFire’s Durable Messaging feature. Use durable messaging for subscriptions that you need maintained for your clients even when your clients are down or disconnected. You can configure any of your event subscriptions as durable. Events for durable queries and subscriptions are saved in a queue when the client is disconnected and played back when the client reconnects. Other queries and subscriptions are removed from the queue.
The example performs the following tasks to demonstrate durable messaging:
This example assumes you have installed JDK11 and GemFire.
From the gemfire-examples/durableMessaging directory, build the example.
$ ../gradlew build
Next start a locator, start a server, and create a region.
$ gfsh run --file=scripts/start.gfsh
Run the example to demonstrate durable messaging.
$ ../gradlew run
Shut down the server.
$ gfsh run --file=scripts/stop.gfsh