The release of Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire and Spring Integration for GemFire marks another milestone for VMware GemFire’s integration with the Spring ecosystem. Joining the existing projects, Spring Data for GemFire, Spring Session for GemFire, and Spring Boot for GemFire, to provide seamless integration of GemFire with Spring.
In this blog a quick overview of Spring Cloud DataFlow (SCDF) and Spring Cloud Stream Applications are provided, followed by simple examples for Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire and how they can be used. For further information about Spring Cloud Data Flow or Spring Cloud Stream Applications, follow the links provided.
Spring Cloud Data Flow(SCDF) is a micro-service-based stream and batch processing system. Some of the use cases it supports include extract, transform, and load (ETL), import-export, event streaming and predictive analytics.
In event streaming there are 3 main components:
Event streams are also known as pipelines within SCDF. In the simplest example, streams generally consist of a supplier, zero or more processors and a consumer. There are many different stream patterns, like fan-in or fan-out, which are explained better in the SCDF documentation.
Using SCDF vernacular, “suppliers” are “sources” and “consumers” are “sinks”. Source, processors and sinks are connected using connectors, which are known as “Binders”. Binders are “point-to-point” meaning SCDF provides 2 binders out of the box, Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ, other binders can be found here.
Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire (SCDFGF) is an implementation that is specifically targeted at the event streaming use case, within the SCDF system. SCDFGF provides implementations for both a “source” and “sink”, for GemFire. Leveraging GemFire’s Continuous Queries and Subscription for the “source” implementation. SCDFGF also provides bindings for both RabbitMQ and Kafka.
Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire has released four artifacts compatible with SCDF versions 2.10.x and 2.11.x:
These artifacts are available in both the Broadcom Maven Repository and Docker Hub. Details on how to access and install these artifacts can be found in the Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire documentation.
The following examples showcase both the GemFire Source and GemFire Sink applications for Spring Cloud Data Flow.
In order to run the examples, a Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) environment and running GemFire cluster are required.
To install an SCDF environment follow the “Installation Guide” for SCDF. For this example we used the Manual Installation.
For manual installation, RabbitMQ is selected as the messaging connector (as per the instructions here) and is launched using Docker. The manual installation utilizes a RabbitMQ image based on version 3.7, which aligns with the examples provided. It’s important to note that RabbitMQ must be running for these examples to function correctly. If you’re using a different RabbitMQ version or have additional authentication requirements, ensure to add the necessary Spring properties for configuration.
Once you have started the server, skipper and RabbitMQ, open a browser and navigate to the SCDF Dashboard which runs at http://localhost:9393/dashboard by default.
Click on “Applications” in the left menu. Then click “Add Application(s)”.
In the Import application starters from select the starters for the messaging connector being used. For this example we used the Stream application starters for RabbitMQ/Maven. This will then install a set of out-of-the-box applications, some of which are needed for the following examples.
For these examples a GemFire environment is required.
Download the latest GemFire from Broadcom Support Portal
Extract the GemFire archive to known location
Navigate to the installation folder for GemFire
Run Gfsh in the bin directory, by either running ./ or gfsh.bat (depending on Windows or Linux/MacOS)
Start a Locator by running the following gfsh command
start locator --name=locator1
Note the locator’s host / IP address and the port of the locator. These will be used when creating the Streams.
For example, in the following output the locator’s host is and the port is 10330
Starting a GemFire Locator in /Users/dev/gemfire/site0/locator... .............. Locator in /Users/dev/gemfire/site0/locator on[10330] as site0_locator is currently online. Process ID: 7462 Uptime: 11 seconds Geode Version: 10.1.0 Java Version: 11.0.22 Log File: /Users/dev/gemfire/site0/locator/site0_locator.log
Start a Server by running the following gfsh command
start server --name=server1
Create a GemFire data region, “Stocks” using the gfsh command:
create region --name=Stocks --type=REPLICATE
Below are two examples:
These example requires the Prerequisite section to have been completed.
There are two methods to deploy the artifacts into the Spring Cloud Dataflow Server: using the images from Docker Hub or download the artifacts from the Broadcom Maven repository.
Choose one of the following options:
Docker Hub Images
Log in to your Spring Cloud Dataflow Server.
Add the Application using the Add Application button.
Select the first option Register one or more applications and enter the following information:
Spring Boot 2.x
Click Import Application to import the GemFire Sink for Rabbit Stream Application.
Broadcom Maven Repository Artifacts
In a browser, navigate to the Broadcom Support Portal.
Login (or register if you have not already).
Click Show All Releases and find “Click Green Token For Repository Access” (don’t click the blue text; click the green icon to the right of it).
Once you have a Broadcom Maven Repository account created, you can now download the GemFire Sink Rabbit artifact (replace {broadcomMavenRepoEmail} with your Broadcom maven repo email):
wget --user {broadcomMavenRepoEmail} --ask-password
Select the third option, Import application coordinates from properties file.
Add the sink properties, replacing {artifactFileName} with the location of the downloaded artifacts from step 2. You can change the application name (gemfire) as needed.
Click Import Application to import the GemFire Sink for Rabbit Stream Application. It may a take a minute for this application to appear in the SCDF Applications list.
See the Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire documentation for additional detailed installation instructions or to install the GemFire Sink application for Kafka.
In the terminal running the GemFire shell (GFSH), confirm that you have the required region, “Stocks”, using the gfsh command: list regions. You should see a region named Stocks listed. If not, confirm that you have a GemFire cluster running using the steps in the Prerequisite section.
list regions
In the Spring Cloud Data Flow dashboard, create a SCDF stream that will take an HTTP request and put it into the GemFire data Region “Stocks”.
In the toolbar on the left, select “Streams”. You should now be able to create a new stream.
Click on “Create Stream(s)” and add the following line to the top text box.
http --port=9098 | gemfire --region-name=Stocks --key-expression=payload.getField('symbol') --json=true
http --port=9098
Click on the “Create Stream(s)” button. A popup will appear, prompting you to enter a name for the stream. Type gemfire-stocks and click “Create the Stream(s)”. Once created, you should see the newly created stream named gemfire-stocks on the “Streams” screen. Note that the Status will be Undeployed.
Now the stream needs to be deployed. This can be done by clicking the stream name. Then click the button Deploy Stream. This will take you to another screen that allows you to confirm and/or configure the SCDF application properties as needed. Click the Deploy the Stream button at the bottom.
Deploy Stream
Deploy the Stream
It may take a moment for the stream to deploy successfully. To confirm their deployment:
Please note that the SCDF Dashboard UI may not indicate the stream as ‘successfully’ deployed, even if though it is functioning correctly.
Once successfully deployed, open a terminal and the run the following curl command
curl -d '{"symbol":"AVGO","price":1265.23}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9098
This will post a json document to the stream deployed http source, hosted on port 9098.
To see if the result was correctly processed, use the following gfsh command to see if the data was put into the GemFire data region “Stocks”
query --query="select * from /Stocks"
This example requires the Prerequisites and GemFire Sink example to have been completed.
Click Import Application to import the GemFire Source for Rabbit Stream Application.
Once you have a Broadcom Maven Repository account created, you can now download the GemFire Source Rabbit artifact (replace {broadcomMavenRepoEmail} with your Broadcom maven repo email):
wget --user {broadcomMavenRepoEmail} --ask-password
Add the source properties, replacing {artifactFileName} with the location of the downloaded artifacts from step 2. You can change the application name (gemfire) as needed.
Click Import Application to import the GemFire Source for Rabbit Stream Application. It may a take a minute for this application to appear in the SCDF Applications list.
See the Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire documentation for additional detailed installation instructions or to install the GemFire Source application for Kafka.
In the SCDF web dashboard, navigate to the “Streams” screen.
On the toolbar on the left, select “Streams”. One should now be able to create a new stream.
Click on “Create Stream(s)”. On the “Create Stream(s)” screen, add the following line to the top text box.
gemfire --region-name=Stocks --query='SELECT * from /Stocks s where s.price > 999' --cq-event-expression=getNewValue().toString() --subscription-enabled=true --connect-type=locator --json=true | file --directory=/tmp --name=gemfirecq.txt
Click on the “Create Stream(s)” button. A popup will appear, prompting you to enter a name for the stream. Type gemfire-orders and click “Create the Stream(s)”. Once created, you should see the newly created stream named gemfire-orders on the “Streams” screen. Note that the Status will be Undeployed.
This will now create a stream which creates a GemFire CQ against the “Stocks” region. The CQ will trigger when the value for a stock exceeds a price of 1000. That stock will then be written to a file, gemfire-cq.txt, in the /tmp directory.
Run the following command which should write an entry to the file.
Check the file by running the following command in the terminal
cat /tmp/gemfirecq.txt
You should see the following entry.
Run the following command which should NOT write an entry to the file.
`curl -d '{"symbol":"AVGO","price":265.23}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9098
Confirm that the entry was NOT written to the file by running the
Now, run the following command again, with a different price, which should write an entry to the file.
curl -d '{"symbol":"AVGO","price":1365.23}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9098
Check the file again and you should see two entries:
Through these Spring Cloud Data Flow for GemFire (SCDFGF) examples, we showcased scenarios such as utilizing GemFire to receive data from HTTP REST endpoints and writing to GemFire, as well as monitoring GemFire data for specific conditions and writing the results to a file. These practical demonstrations underscore the versatility and applicability of GemFire within the Spring ecosystem for diverse business needs.
This seamless integration of GemFire within Spring Cloud Data Flow can empower a multitude of real-world applications across various industries: GemFire can facilitate high-frequency trading platforms, accelerate medical data analysis for faster diagnoses, optimize network performance and customer experience, and even enable real-time sports analytic insights for coaches and analysts. These examples underscore GemFire’s versatility in driving efficiency and innovation across diverse business sectors within the Spring ecosystem.