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Apache::Geode::Client Namespace Reference

This namespace contains all the Geode .NET Generics API classes and enumerations. More...


namespace  Internal
 This namespace contains internal Geode non-public .NET classes.
namespace  Template
 This namespace contains internal Geode .NET template classes.

Data Structures

class  AllConnectionsInUseException
 Thrown when all connections in a pool are in use. More...
class  AlreadyConnectedException
 Thrown when an attempt is made to connect to DistributedSystem second time. More...
class  AssertionException
 A geode assertion exception. More...
class  AttributesMutator
 Supports modification of certain region attributes after the region has been created. More...
class  AuthenticationFailedException
 Thrown when authentication to the server fails. More...
class  AuthenticationRequiredException
 Thrown when credentials are not provided to a server which expects them. More...
class  BufferSizeExceededException
 Thrown when the internal buffer size is exceeded. More...
class  Cache
 Provides a distributed cache. More...
class  CacheableArrayList
 A mutable ISerializable vector wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableBoolean
 An immutable wrapper for booleans that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableBuiltinArray
 An immutable template array wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableBuiltinKey
 An immutable template wrapper for C++ CacheableKeys that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableByte
 An immutable wrapper for bytes that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableCharacter
 An immutable wrapper for 16-bit characters that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableDate
 An immutable date wrapper that can serve as a distributable key object for caching as well as being a string value. More...
class  CacheableDouble
 An immutable wrapper for doubles that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableFileName
 An immutable filename wrapper that can serve as a distributable key object for caching as well as being a string value. More...
class  CacheableFloat
 An immutable wrapper for floats that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableHashMap
 A mutable ICacheableKey to ISerializable hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableHashSet
 A mutable ICacheableKey hash set wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableHashTable
 A mutable ICacheableKey to ISerializable hash table that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableIdentityHashMap
 A mutable ICacheableKey to ISerializable hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableInt16
 An immutable wrapper for 16-bit integers that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableInt32
 An immutable wrapper for 32-bit integers that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableInt64
 An immutable wrapper for 64-bit integers that can serve as a distributable key object for caching. More...
class  CacheableKey
 This class wraps the native C++ apache::geode::client::Serializable objects as managed ../../ISerializable objects. More...
class  CacheableLinkedHashSet
 A mutable ICacheableKey hash set wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableLinkedList
 A mutable ISerializable vector wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableObject
 An mutable generic System.Object wrapper that can serve as a distributable value for caching. More...
class  CacheableObjectArray
 A mutable ISerializable object array wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableObjectXml
 A mutable generic System.Object wrapper that can serve as a distributable value for caching. More...
class  CacheableStack
 A mutable ISerializable vector wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableString
 An immutable string wrapper that can serve as a distributable key object for caching as well as being a string value. More...
class  CacheableStringArray
 An immutable wrapper for array of strings that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheableUndefined
 Encapsulate an undefined result. More...
class  CacheableVector
 A mutable ISerializable vector wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching. More...
class  CacheClosedException
 Thrown when an operation is attempted on a closed cache. More...
class  CacheExistsException
 Thrown when an attempt is made to create an existing cache. More...
class  CacheFactory
 A factory class that must be used to obtain instance of Cache. More...
class  CacheListenerAdapter
 Utility class that implements all methods in ICacheListener with empty implementations. More...
class  CacheListenerException
 Thrown when the cache listener throws an exception. More...
class  CacheLoader
 CacheLoader. More...
class  CacheLoaderException
 Thrown when the cache loader aborts the operation. More...
class  CacheProxyException
 Thrown when there is an error in the cache proxy. More...
class  CacheServerException
 Thrown when an exception occurs on the cache server. More...
class  CacheStatistics
 Defines common statistical information for both the region and its entries. More...
class  CacheTransactionManager
 CacheTransactionManager encapsulates the transactions for a cache. More...
class  CacheWriterAdapter
 Utility class that implements all methods in ICacheWriter with empty implementations. More...
class  CacheWriterException
 Thrown when the cache writer aborts the operation. More...
class  CacheXmlException
 Thrown when the cache xml is incorrect. More...
class  ClassCastException
 Thrown when a cast operation fails. More...
class  CommitConflictException
 Thrown if commit fails. More...
class  ConcurrentModificationException
 Thrown when a concurrent operation fails. More...
class  CqAttributes
 Defines attributes for configuring a cq. More...
class  CqAttributesFactory
 Creates instances of CqAttributes. More...
class  CqAttributesMutator
 Supports modification of certain cq attributes after the cq has been created. More...
class  CqClosedException
 Thrown if the Cq on which the operaion performed is closed. More...
class  CqEvent
 This class encapsulates events that occur for cq. More...
class  CqException
 Thrown during continuous query execution time. More...
class  CqExistsException
 Thrown if a Cq by this name already exists on this client. More...
class  CqInvalidException
 Thrown when cq is invalid. More...
class  CqQuery
 Class to encapsulate a continuous query (CQ). More...
class  CqQueryException
 Thrown if the Cq Query failed. More...
class  CqServiceStatistics
 Defines common statistical information for cqservice. More...
class  CqStatistics
 Defines common statistical information for a cq. More...
class  DataInput
 Provides operations for reading primitive data values, byte arrays, strings, ISerializable objects from a byte stream. More...
class  DataOutput
 Provides operations for writing primitive data values, and user-defined objects implementing ISerializable, to a byte stream. More...
class  DiskCorruptException
 Thrown by the persistence manager when the data to be read from disk is corrupt. More...
class  DiskFailureException
 Thrown by the persistence manager when a write fails due to disk failure. More...
class  DiskPolicy
 Static class containing convenience methods for DiskPolicyType. More...
class  DistributedSystem
 DistributedSystem encapsulates this applications "connection" into the Geode Java servers. More...
class  DuplicateDurableClientException
 Thrown when a duplicate durable client id is provided to the server. More...
class  EntryDestroyedException
 Thrown when an operation is attempted on a destroyed entry. More...
class  EntryEvent
 This class encapsulates events that occur for an entry in a region. More...
class  EntryExistsException
 Thrown when attempt is made to create an existing entry. More...
class  EntryNotFoundException
 Thrown when an operation is attempted on a non-existent entry. More...
class  Execution
 This class encapsulates events that occur for cq. More...
class  Expiration
 Static class containing convenience methods for ExpirationAction. More...
class  FatalInternalException
 Thrown when there is a fatal internal exception in Geode. More...
class  FileNotFoundException
 Thrown when a non-existing file is accessed. More...
class  FunctionExecutionException
 Thrown when function execution failed. More...
class  FunctionService
 A factory class used to create Execute object for function execution. More...
class  GeodeClassIds
 Static class containing the classIds of the built-in cacheable types. More...
class  GeodeConfigException
 Thrown when geode configuration file is incorrect. More...
class  GeodeException
 The base exception class of all managed Geode exceptions. More...
class  GeodeIOException
 Thrown when there is an input/output error. More...
interface  IAuthInitialize
 Specifies the mechanism to obtain credentials for a client. More...
interface  ICacheableKey
 This interface class is the superclass of all user objects in the cache that can be used as a key. More...
interface  ICacheListener
 An application plug-in that can be installed on a region. More...
interface  ICacheLoader
 A data-loading application plug-in that can be installed on a region. More...
interface  ICacheWriter
 An application plug-in that can be installed on a region. More...
interface  ICqEvent
 An application plug-in that can be installed on a region. More...
interface  ICqListener
 An application plug-in that can be installed on a region. More...
interface  ICqResults
 Interface to encapsulate a select query result set. More...
interface  ICqStatusListener
 Extension of CqListener. More...
interface  IDataSerializable
 An interface for objects whose contents can be serialized as primitive types. More...
interface  IDelta
 This interface is used for delta propagation. More...
interface  IFixedPartitionResolver
 Implementers of interface FixedPartitionResolver helps to achieve explicit mapping of a "user defined" partition to a data member node. More...
interface  IGeodeCache
 GeodeCache represents the singleton cache that must be created in order to connect to Geode server. More...
class  IllegalArgumentException
 Thrown when an argument to a method is illegal. More...
class  IllegalStateException
 Thrown when the state of cache is manipulated to be illegal. More...
class  InitFailedException
 Thrown when persistence manager fails to initialize. More...
class  InterruptedException
 Thrown when an operation is interrupted. More...
interface  IPartitionResolver
 Implementers of interface PartitionResolver enable custom partitioning on the PartitionedRegion. More...
interface  IPdxInstance
 PdxInstance provides run time access to the fields of a PDX without deserializing the PDX. More...
interface  IPdxInstanceFactory
 PdxInstanceFactory gives you a way to create PdxInstances. More...
interface  IPdxReader
 A IPdxReader will be passed to IPdxSerializable.fromData or during deserialization of a PDX. More...
interface  IPdxSerializable
 When a domain class implements PdxSerializable it marks itself as a PDX. More...
interface  IPdxSerializer
 The IPdxSerializer interface allows domain classes to be serialized and deserialized as PDXs without modification of the domain class. More...
interface  IPdxTypeMapper
 Application can implement this interface to map pdx type name to local type name. More...
interface  IPdxUnreadFields
 Serialize the data in geode Portable Data eXchange(Pdx) Format. More...
interface  IPdxWriter
 A IPdxWriter will be passed to IPdxSerializable.toData when it is serializing the domain class. More...
interface  IPersistenceManager
 IPersistenceManager interface for persistence and overflow. More...
class  IRegion
 Encapsulates a concrete region of cached data. More...
interface  IRegionService
 A RegionService provides access to existing regions that exist in a Cache. More...
class  IResultCollector
 collect function execution results, can be overriden More...
class  ISelectResults
 Interface to encapsulate a select query result set. More...
interface  ISerializable
 This interface class is the superclass of all user objects in the cache that can be serialized. More...
interface  ISubscriptionService
 This generic interface class provides all Register Interest API's for geode's generic non local region (Region<TKey, TValue>). More...
interface  IWritablePdxInstance
 WritablePdxInstance is a IPdxInstance that also supports field modification
class  KeyNotFoundException
 Thrown if a Key is not present in the region. More...
class  LeaseExpiredException
 Thrown when lease of cache proxy has expired. More...
class  Log
 Defines methods available to clients that want to write a log message to their Geode system's shared log file. More...
class  MessageException
 Thrown when an unknown message is received from the server. More...
class  NoAvailableLocatorsException
 Thrown when a client is unable to contact any locators. More...
class  NoSystemException
 Thrown when the connecting target is not running. More...
class  NotAuthorizedException
 Thrown when a client operation is not authorized on the server. More...
class  NotConnectedException
 Thrown when an operation is attempted before connecting to the distributed system. More...
class  NotOwnerException
 Thrown when an attempt is made to release a lock not owned by the thread. More...
class  NullPointerException
 Thrown when a null argument is provided to a method where it is expected to be non-null. More...
class  OutOfMemoryException
 Thrown when the system cannot allocate any more memory. More...
class  OutOfRangeException
 Thrown when bound of array/vector etc. More...
class  PdxIdentityFieldAttribute
PdxIdentityField attribute one can specify on member fields. More...
class  Pool
 A pool of connections. More...
class  PoolFactory
 This interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Pool. More...
class  PoolManager
 This interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of PoolFactory. More...
class  Properties
 Provides a collection of properties, each of which is a key/value pair. More...
class  Query
 Class to encapsulate a query. More...
class  QueryException
 Thrown when query exception occurs at the server. More...
class  QueryService
 Provides a query service. More...
class  ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
 This class uses .NET reflection in conjunction with IPdxSerializer to perform automatic serialization of domain objects. More...
class  RegionAttributes
 Defines attributes for configuring a region. More...
class  RegionAttributesFactory
 Factory class to create instances of RegionAttributes. More...
class  RegionCreationFailedException
 Thrown when a region creation operation fails. More...
class  RegionDestroyedException
 Thrown when an operation is attempted on a destroyed region. More...
class  RegionEntry
 An object in a region that represents an entry, that is, a key-value pair. More...
class  RegionEvent
 This class encapsulates events that occur for a region. More...
class  RegionExistsException
 Thrown when an attempt is made to create an existing region. More...
class  RegionFactory
 This interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Region. More...
class  ResultCollector
 collect function execution results, default collector More...
class  ResultSet
 Encapsulates a query result set. More...
class  SelectResultsIterator
 Iterator for a query result. More...
class  Serializable
 This class wraps the native C++ native::Serializable objects as managed ISerializable objects. More...
class  ShutdownFailedException
 Thrown when persistence manager fails to close properly. More...
class  StatisticsDisabledException
 Thrown when statistics are invoked for a region where they are disabled. More...
class  Struct
 Encapsulates a row of query struct set. More...
class  StructSet
 Encapsulates a query struct set. More...
class  SystemProperties
 A class for internal use that encapsulates the properties that can be set through DistributedSystem.Connect or a geode.properties file. More...
class  TimeoutException
 Thrown when a timout occurs. More...
class  TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException
 Thrown if transaction delegate went down. More...
class  TransactionDataRebalancedException
 Thrown if commit rebalance happens during a transaction. More...
class  TransactionId
 This class encapsulates Id of a transaction. More...
class  TypeRegistry
 Registry for custom serializable types, both PDXSerializable and DataSerializable. More...
class  UnknownException
 An unknown exception occurred. More...
class  UnsupportedOperationException
 Thrown when an operation unsupported by the current configuration is attempted. More...
class  UserFunctionExecutionException
 UserFunctionExecutionException class is used to encapsulate geode sendException in case of Function execution. More...
class  Utils
 Some static utility methods. More...
class  WrongRegionScopeException
 Thrown when a region is created in an incorrect scope. More...


using BooleanArray = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< bool, native::private::DSCode::BooleanArray >, bool, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::BooleanArray)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of booleans that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableBytes = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< int8_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableBytes >, Byte, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CacheableBytes)>
 An immutable wrapper for byte arrays that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableDoubleArray = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< double, native::private::DSCode::CacheableDoubleArray >, Double, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CacheableDoubleArray)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of doubles that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableFloatArray = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< float, native::private::DSCode::CacheableFloatArray >, Single, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CacheableFloatArray)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of floats that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableInt16Array = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< int16_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableInt16Array >, System::Int16, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CacheableInt16Array)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of 16-bit integers that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableInt32Array = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< int32_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableInt32Array >, System::Int32, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CacheableInt32Array)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of 32-bit integers that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CacheableInt64Array = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< int64_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableInt64Array >, System::Int64, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CacheableInt64Array)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of 64-bit integers that can serve as a distributable object for caching.
using CharArray = CacheableArray< native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive< char16_t, native::private::DSCode::CharArray >, Char, static_cast< int8_t >(DSCode::CharArray)>
 An immutable wrapper for array of 16-bit characters that can serve as a distributable object for caching.


enum class  DiskPolicyType { None = 0 , Overflows }
 Enumerated type for disk policy. More...
enum class  ExpirationAction {
  Invalidate = 0 , LocalInvalidate , Destroy , LocalDestroy ,
 Enumerated type for expiration (LRU) actions. More...
enum class  FieldType
 Enumerated type for pdx FieldType. More...
enum class  LogLevel {
  Null = 0 , Error , Warning , Info ,
  Default , Config , Fine , Finer ,
  Finest , Debug , All
 Logging levels. More...
enum class  RegionShortcut {
 Each enum represents a predefined RegionAttributes in a Cache. More...


delegate GeodeExceptionCreateException2 (const apache::geode::client::Exception &nativeEx, System::Exception^ innerException)
 Factory delegate to create a managed Geode exception.
delegate Apache::Geode::Client::ISerializableDataSerializablePrimitiveWrapperDelegate (std::shared_ptr< native::Serializable > obj)
 Delegate to wrap a native native::Serializable type.
public delegate Apache::Geode::Client::IPdxSerializablePdxTypeFactoryMethod ()
 Signature of function delegates passed to Serializable.RegisterPdxType.
template<class TPropKey , class TPropValue >
public delegate void PropertyVisitorGeneric (TPropKey key, TPropValue value)
 Delegate that represents visitor for the Properties class.
public delegate Apache::Geode::Client::ISerializableTypeFactoryMethod ()
 Signature of function delegates passed to Serializable.RegisterType.
delegate std::shared_ptr< native::Serializable > TypeFactoryNativeMethodGeneric ()
 Signature of native function delegates passed to native native::Serializable::registerType.

Detailed Description

This namespace contains all the Geode .NET Generics API classes and enumerations.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BooleanArray

using Apache::Geode::Client::BooleanArray = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<bool, native::private::DSCode::BooleanArray>, bool, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::BooleanArray)>

An immutable wrapper for array of booleans that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CacheableBytes

using Apache::Geode::Client::CacheableBytes = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<int8_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableBytes>, Byte, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CacheableBytes)>

An immutable wrapper for byte arrays that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CacheableDoubleArray

using Apache::Geode::Client::CacheableDoubleArray = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<double, native::private::DSCode::CacheableDoubleArray>, Double, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CacheableDoubleArray)>

An immutable wrapper for array of doubles that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CacheableFloatArray

using Apache::Geode::Client::CacheableFloatArray = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<float, native::private::DSCode::CacheableFloatArray>, Single, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CacheableFloatArray)>

An immutable wrapper for array of floats that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CacheableInt16Array

using Apache::Geode::Client::CacheableInt16Array = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<int16_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableInt16Array>, System::Int16, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CacheableInt16Array)>

An immutable wrapper for array of 16-bit integers that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CacheableInt32Array

using Apache::Geode::Client::CacheableInt32Array = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<int32_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableInt32Array>, System::Int32, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CacheableInt32Array)>

An immutable wrapper for array of 32-bit integers that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CacheableInt64Array

using Apache::Geode::Client::CacheableInt64Array = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<int64_t, native::private::DSCode::CacheableInt64Array>, System::Int64, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CacheableInt64Array)>

An immutable wrapper for array of 64-bit integers that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

◆ CharArray

using Apache::Geode::Client::CharArray = typedef CacheableArray<native::private::CacheableArrayPrimitive<char16_t, native::private::DSCode::CharArray>, Char, static_cast<int8_t>(DSCode::CharArray)>

An immutable wrapper for array of 16-bit characters that can serve as a distributable object for caching.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DiskPolicyType

Enumerated type for disk policy.

Contains values for setting the disk policy type.


No policy.


Overflow to disk.

◆ ExpirationAction

Enumerated type for expiration (LRU) actions.

Contains values for setting an action type.


When the region or cached object expires, it is invalidated.


When expired, invalidated locally only.


When the region or cached object expires, it is destroyed.


When expired, destroyed locally only.


Invalid action type.

◆ FieldType

Enumerated type for pdx FieldType.

◆ LogLevel

Logging levels.


No log.


Indicates serious failure.


Indicates potential problem.


For informational purpose.


The default logging level.


For Static configuration messages.


For tracing information.


For moderately detailed tracing information.


For very detailed tracing information.


For highly detailed tracing information.


All the log messages.

◆ RegionShortcut

Each enum represents a predefined RegionAttributes in a Cache.

These enum values can be used to create regions using a RegionFactory obtained by calling <see cref="Cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut) />.

Another way to use predefined region attributes is in cache.xml by setting the refid attribute on a region element or region-attributes element to the string of each value.


A PROXY region has no local state and forwards all operations to a server.


A CACHING_PROXY region has local state but can also send operations to a server.

If the local state is not found then the operation is sent to the server and the local state is updated to contain the server result.


A CACHING_PROXY_ENTRY_LRU region has local state but can also send operations to a server.

If the local state is not found then the operation is sent to the server and the local state is updated to contain the server result. It also destroys entries when it detects that the number of entries has exceeded the default limit of #100000.


A LOCAL region only has local state and never sends operations to a server.


A LOCAL_ENTRY_LRU region only has local state and never sends operations to a server.

It also destroys entries when it detects that the number of entries has exceeded the default limit of #100000.

Function Documentation

◆ CreateException2()

delegate GeodeException ^ Apache::Geode::Client::CreateException2 ( const apache::geode::client::Exception &  nativeEx,
System::Exception^  innerException 

Factory delegate to create a managed Geode exception.

For each managed exception class, its factory delegate is registered and maintained in a static dictionary mapped to its corresponding native Geode C++ exception name.

◆ DataSerializablePrimitiveWrapperDelegate()

delegate Apache::Geode::Client::ISerializable ^ Apache::Geode::Client::DataSerializablePrimitiveWrapperDelegate ( std::shared_ptr< native::Serializable >  obj)

Delegate to wrap a native native::Serializable type.

This delegate should return an object of type ISerializable given a native object.

◆ PdxTypeFactoryMethod()

public delegate Apache::Geode::Client::IPdxSerializable ^ Apache::Geode::Client::PdxTypeFactoryMethod ( )

Signature of function delegates passed to Serializable.RegisterPdxType.

Such functions should return an empty instance of the type they represent. New instance will be created during de-serialization of Pdx Types IPdxSerializable.

◆ PropertyVisitorGeneric()

template<class TPropKey , class TPropValue >
public delegate void Apache::Geode::Client::PropertyVisitorGeneric ( TPropKey  key,
TPropValue  value 

Delegate that represents visitor for the Properties class.

This delegate is passed to the Properties.ForEach function that invokes this delegate for each property having a key and a value.

keyThe key of the property.
valueThe value of the property.

◆ TypeFactoryMethod()

public delegate Apache::Geode::Client::ISerializable ^ Apache::Geode::Client::TypeFactoryMethod ( )

Signature of function delegates passed to Serializable.RegisterType.

Such functions should return an empty instance of the type they represent. The delegate shall be stored in the internal DelegateWrapper class and an instance will be initialized in the DelegateWrapper.NativeDelegate method by a call to ISerializable.FromData.

◆ TypeFactoryNativeMethodGeneric()

delegate std::shared_ptr< native::Serializable > Apache::Geode::Client::TypeFactoryNativeMethodGeneric ( )

Signature of native function delegates passed to native native::Serializable::registerType.

Such functions should return an empty instance of the type they represent. The instance will typically be initialized immediately after creation by a call to native native::Serializable::fromData.

Apache Geode C++ Cache .NET API Documentation