VMware VMware GemFire Native .NET Reference 10.4.3
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CApache::Geode::Client::AttributesMutator< TKey, TValue >Supports modification of certain region attributes after the region has been created
 CApache::Geode::Client::CacheFactoryA factory class that must be used to obtain instance of Cache
 CApache::Geode::Client::CacheStatisticsDefines common statistical information for both the region and its entries
 CApache::Geode::Client::CacheTransactionManagerCacheTransactionManager encapsulates the transactions for a cache
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqAttributes< TKey, TResult >Defines attributes for configuring a cq
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqAttributesFactory< TKey, TResult >Creates instances of CqAttributes
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqAttributesMutator< TKey, TResult >Supports modification of certain cq attributes after the cq has been created
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqEvent< TKey, TResult >This class encapsulates events that occur for cq
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqQuery< TKey, TResult >Class to encapsulate a continuous query (CQ)
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqServiceStatisticsDefines common statistical information for cqservice
 CApache::Geode::Client::CqStatisticsDefines common statistical information for a cq
 CApache::Geode::Client::DataInputProvides operations for reading primitive data values, byte arrays, strings, ISerializable objects from a byte stream
 CApache::Geode::Client::DataOutputProvides operations for writing primitive data values, and user-defined objects implementing ISerializable, to a byte stream
 CApache::Geode::Client::DiskPolicyStatic class containing convenience methods for DiskPolicyType
 CApache::Geode::Client::DistributedSystemDistributedSystem encapsulates this applications "connection" into the Geode Java servers
 CApache::Geode::Client::EntryEvent< TKey, TValue >This class encapsulates events that occur for an entry in a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::Internal::CacheableHashSetType< TYPEID, HSTYPE >::EnumeratorEnumerator for CacheableHashSet class
 CApache::Geode::Client::Execution< TResult >This class encapsulates events that occur for cq
 CApache::Geode::Client::ExpirationStatic class containing convenience methods for ExpirationAction
 CApache::Geode::Client::FunctionService< TResult >A factory class used to create Execute object for function execution
 CApache::Geode::Client::GeodeClassIdsStatic class containing the classIds of the built-in cacheable types
 CApache::Geode::Client::GeodeExceptionThe base exception class of all managed Geode exceptions
 CApache::Geode::Client::IAuthInitializeSpecifies the mechanism to obtain credentials for a client
 CApache::Geode::Client::ICacheListener< TKey, TValue >An application plug-in that can be installed on a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::ICacheLoader< TKey, TValue >A data-loading application plug-in that can be installed on a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::ICacheWriter< TKey, TValue >An application plug-in that can be installed on a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::ICqEvent< TKey, TResult >An application plug-in that can be installed on a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::ICqListener< TKey, TResult >An application plug-in that can be installed on a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::IDeltaThis interface is used for delta propagation
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPartitionResolver< TKey, TValue >Implementers of interface PartitionResolver enable custom partitioning on the PartitionedRegion
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxInstancePdxInstance provides run time access to the fields of a PDX without deserializing the PDX
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxInstanceFactoryPdxInstanceFactory gives you a way to create PdxInstances
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxReaderA IPdxReader will be passed to IPdxSerializable.fromData or during deserialization of a PDX
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxSerializableWhen a domain class implements PdxSerializable it marks itself as a PDX
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxSerializerThe IPdxSerializer interface allows domain classes to be serialized and deserialized as PDXs without modification of the domain class
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxTypeMapperApplication can implement this interface to map pdx type name to local type name
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxUnreadFieldsSerialize the data in geode Portable Data eXchange(Pdx) Format
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPdxWriterA IPdxWriter will be passed to IPdxSerializable.toData when it is serializing the domain class
 CApache::Geode::Client::IPersistenceManager< TKey, TValue >IPersistenceManager interface for persistence and overflow
 CApache::Geode::Client::IRegion< TKey, TValue >Encapsulates a concrete region of cached data
 CApache::Geode::Client::IRegionServiceA RegionService provides access to existing regions that exist in a Cache
 CApache::Geode::Client::IResultCollector< TResult >Collect function execution results, can be overriden
 CApache::Geode::Client::ISelectResults< TResult >Interface to encapsulate a select query result set
 CApache::Geode::Client::ISerializableThis interface class is the superclass of all user objects in the cache that can be serialized
 CApache::Geode::Client::ISubscriptionService< TKey >This generic interface class provides all Register Interest API's for geode's generic non local region (Region<TKey, TValue>)
 CApache::Geode::Client::IWritablePdxInstanceWritablePdxInstance is a IPdxInstance that also supports field modification
 CApache::Geode::Client::LogDefines methods available to clients that want to write a log message to their Geode system's shared log file
 Capache::geode::client::ManagedDataSerializableHandlerIntercept (de)serialization of DataSerializable types into the .NET managed layer
 Capache::geode::client::ManagedPdxTypeHandlerIntercept (de)serialization of PDX types into the .NET managed layer
 CApache::Geode::ObjectsProvides hash code functions similar to those used by Geode server in Java's java.util.Objects and java.util.Arrays classes
PdxIdentityField attribute one can specify on member fields
 CApache::Geode::Client::PoolA pool of connections
 CApache::Geode::Client::PoolFactoryThis interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Pool
 CApache::Geode::Client::PoolManagerThis interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of PoolFactory
 CApache::Geode::Client::Query< TResult >Class to encapsulate a query
 CApache::Geode::Client::QueryServiceProvides a query service
 CApache::Geode::Client::RegionAttributesFactory< TKey, TValue >Factory class to create instances of RegionAttributes
 CApache::Geode::Client::RegionEntry< TKey, TValue >An object in a region that represents an entry, that is, a key-value pair
 CApache::Geode::Client::RegionEvent< TKey, TValue >This class encapsulates events that occur for a region
 CApache::Geode::Client::RegionFactoryThis interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Region
 CApache::Geode::Client::SelectResultsIterator< TResult >Iterator for a query result
 CApache::Geode::Client::SystemPropertiesA class for internal use that encapsulates the properties that can be set through DistributedSystem.Connect or a geode.properties file
 CApache::Geode::Client::TransactionIdThis class encapsulates Id of a transaction
 CApache::Geode::Client::TypeRegistryRegistry for custom serializable types, both PDXSerializable and DataSerializable
 CApache::Geode::Client::UtilsSome static utility methods

Apache Geode C++ Cache .NET API Documentation