Interface SchemaObjectCollector<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClientRegionCollector, ComposableSchemaObjectCollector, IndexCollector, RegionCollector

public interface SchemaObjectCollector<T>
The SchemaObjectCollector interface defines a contract for implementing objects to search for and find all schema objects of a particular type in a given context. Implementations of this interface know how to inspect the given context and find all references to the schema object instances of a particular type.
See Also:
  • GemFireCache
  • ApplicationContext
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Iterable<T>
    collectFrom(org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache gemfireCache)
    Collects all schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector defined in the GemFireCache.
    default Iterable<T>
    collectFrom(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
    Collects all schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector declared in the given ApplicationContext.
  • Method Details

    • collectFrom

      default Iterable<T> collectFrom(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
      Collects all schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector declared in the given ApplicationContext.
      applicationContext - Spring ApplicationContext from which to collect schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector.
      a Set of all schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector declared in the ApplicationContext; returns an empty Set if no schema object of type SchemaObjectCollector could be found.
      See Also:
    • collectFrom

      default Iterable<T> collectFrom(org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache gemfireCache)
      Collects all schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector defined in the GemFireCache.
      gemfireCache - GemFireCache from which to collect schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector.
      a Set of all schema objects of type SchemaObjectCollector defined in the GemFireCache; returns an empty Set if no schema object of type SchemaObjectCollector could be found.
      See Also: