Class StringBasedGemfireRepositoryQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StringBasedGemfireRepositoryQuery extends GemfireRepositoryQuery
GemfireRepositoryQuery using plain String based OQL queries.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • asDerivedQuery

      @NonNull public StringBasedGemfireRepositoryQuery asDerivedQuery()
      Builder method used to set this RepositoryQuery as derived.
      a boolean value indicating whether the OQL query was derived from the Repository infrastructure QueryMethod name/signature.
      See Also:
    • asUserDefinedQuery

      @NonNull public StringBasedGemfireRepositoryQuery asUserDefinedQuery()
      Builder method used to set this RepositoryQuery as user-defined.
      this RepositoryQuery.
      See Also:
    • isDerivedQuery

      public boolean isDerivedQuery()
      Determines whether the OQL query represented by this RepositoryQuery is derived from the Repository infrastructure QueryMethod name/signature conventions.
      a boolean value indicating if the OQL query represented by this RepositoryQuery is derived.
      See Also:
    • isUserDefinedQuery

      public boolean isUserDefinedQuery()
      Determines whether the OQL query represented by this RepositoryQuery is user-defined or was generated by the Spring Data Repository infrastructure. An OQL query is user-defined if the query was specified using the Query annotation on the Repository QueryMethod or was specified in the <module> file. Derived queries are not user-defined.
      a boolean value indicating whether the OQL query represented this RepositoryQuery is user-defined.
      See Also:
    • getNonPagedQueryExecutor

      @NonNull protected OqlQueryExecutor getNonPagedQueryExecutor()
      Returns the configured OqlQueryExecutor (strategy) used to execute Apache Geode non-paged OQL queries.
      the configured OqlQueryExecutor (strategy) used to execute Apache Geode non-paged OQL queries.
      See Also:
    • getPagedQueryExecutor

      @NonNull protected OqlQueryExecutor getPagedQueryExecutor()
      Returns the configured OqlQueryExecutor (strategy) used to execute Apache Geode paged OQL queries.
      the configured OqlQueryExecutor (strategy) used to execute Apache Geode paged OQL queries.
      See Also:
    • getQuery

      @NonNull protected QueryString getQuery()
      Returns a reference to the managed query.
      a reference to the managed query.
      See Also:
    • getTemplate

      @NonNull protected GemfireTemplate getTemplate()
      Returns a reference to the GemfireTemplate used to perform all data access and query operations.
      a reference to the GemfireTemplate used to perform all data access and query operations.
      See Also:
    • execute

      public Object execute(Object[] arguments)
    • prepareQuery

      @NonNull protected String prepareQuery(@NonNull queryMethod, @NonNull QueryString query, @NonNull Object[] arguments)
      Prepares the OQL query statement to execute.
      queryMethod - QueryMethod modeling the OQL query.
      query - QueryString containing the OQL query statement.
      arguments - array of Object values containing the arguments for the OQL query bind in parameters.
      the prepared OQL query to execute.
      See Also:
    • resolveOqlQueryExecutor

      @NonNull protected OqlQueryExecutor resolveOqlQueryExecutor(@NonNull queryMethod)
      Resolves the OqlQueryExecutor used to execute the OQL query statement modeled by the given QueryMethod.
      queryMethod - QueryMethod used to resolve the OqlQueryExecutor; must not be null.
      the resolve OqlQueryExecutor appropriate for executing the OQL query statement modeled by the give QueryMethod.
      See Also:
    • processQueryResults

      @Nullable protected Object processQueryResults(@NonNull queryMethod, @NonNull org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults<?> selectResults, @NonNull Object... arguments)
      Processes the OQL query result set.
      queryMethod - QueryMethod modeling the OQL query.
      selectResults - SelectResults from the execution of the OQL query.
      the OQL query results.
      org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query result does not match the QueryMethod return type.
      IllegalStateException - if the OQL query is not supported based on the return value.
      See Also:
      • QueryMethod
      • SelectResults