Annotation Interface EnableContinuousQueries

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Inherited @Documented @Import(ContinuousQueryConfiguration.class) public @interface EnableContinuousQueries
The EnableContinuousQueries annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated application configuration class to enable Pivotal GemFire / Apache Geode Continuous Queries (CQ) feature.
See Also:
  • Element Details

    • errorHandlerBeanName

      String errorHandlerBeanName
      Refers to the name of the declared ErrorHandler bean that will handle errors thrown during CQ event processing by CQ listeners. Defaults to unset.
    • phase

      int phase
      Defines the Spring container lifecycle phase in which the SDG ContinuousQueryListenerContainer will be started on auto-start. Defaults to 0.
    • poolName

      String poolName
      Refers to the name of the Pool over which CQs are registered and CQ events are received. Defaults to unset.
    • queryServiceBeanName

      String queryServiceBeanName
      Refers to the name of the QueryService bean used to define CQs. Defaults to unset.
    • taskExecutorBeanName

      String taskExecutorBeanName
      Refers to the name of the Executor bean used to process CQ events asynchronously. Defaults to unset.