
  • Class
    The EvictingRegionFactoryBean interface specifies Region FactoryBeans capable of supporting Eviction configuration, that is, evicting Region entries.
    The EvictionActionConverter class is a Spring Converter and JavaBeans PropertyEditor that converts an Object value into an instance of GemFire EvictionAction.
    The EvictionActionType enum is an enumeration of all the GemFire EvictionAction values.
    Simple utility class used for defining nested factory-method like definitions w/o polluting the container with useless beans.
    The EvictionTypeConverter class is a Spring Converter used to convert a String value into a corresponding EvictionType enumerated value.
    The EvictionPolicyType enum is an enumeration of all GemFire Eviction policies, where the Eviction 'policy' is a combination of the Eviction algorithm mixed with the monitored resource (e.g.