VMware VMware GemFire Native .NET Reference 10.4.3
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 Declares the AttributesMutator class.
 Declares the Cache class.
 Declares the CacheableBuiltinKey and CacheableBuiltinArray template classes and their instantiations for CacheableBoolean, CacheableByte, CacheableDouble, CacheableFloat, CacheableInt16, CacheableInt32, CacheableInt64, CacheableBytes, CacheableDoubleArray, CacheableFloatArray, CacheableInt16Array, CacheableInt32Array, CacheableInt64Array, BooleanArray and CharArray.
 Declares the CacheableDate class.
 Declares the CacheableFileName class.
 Declares the CacheableHashMap class.
 Declares the CacheableHashSet class.
 Declares the CacheableKey class.
 Declares the CacheableObject class.
 Declares the CacheableObjectXml class.
 Declares the CacheableString class.
 Declares the CacheableStringArray class.
 Declares the CacheableUndefined class.
 Declares the CacheableVector class.
 Declares the CacheFactory class.
 Declares the CacheStatistics class.
 Declares the DataInput class.
 Declares the DataOutput class.
 Declares the DiskPolicyType enumeration and DiskPolicy class.
 Declares the DistributedSystem class.
 Declares the EntryEvent class.
 Declares the Geode exception type classes.
 Declares the ExpirationAction enumeration and Expiration class.
 API documentation helper file for the Doxygen source-comment-extraction tool.
 Provides a commonly-used set of include directives.
 Declares the ICacheableKey interface.
 Declares the ICacheListener interface.
 Declares the ICacheLoader interface.
 Declares the ICacheWriter interface.
 Declares the ICqStatusListener interface.
 Declares the IFixedPartitionResolver interface.
 Declares the IGeodeCache interface.
 Declares the IPartitionResolver interface.
 Declares the generic IPersistenceManager interface.
 Declares the IRegionService interface.
 Declares the ISelectResults interface.
 Declares the ISerializable interface.
 Declares the Log class.
 Declares the Properties class.
 Declares the Query class.
 Declares the QueryService class.
 Declares the Region class.
 Declares the RegionAttributesFactory class.
 Declares the RegionEntry class.
 Declares the RegionEvent class.
 Declares the RegionShortcut enum class.
 Declares the ResultSet class.
 Declares the SelectResultsIterator class.
 Declares the Serializable class.
 Declares the Struct class.
 Declares the StructSet class.
 Declares the SystemProperties class.
 Declares the UserFunctionExecutionException class.
 Declares the Utils class.

Apache Geode C++ Cache .NET API Documentation