Capache::geode::client::AttributesMutator | Supports modification of certain region attributes after the region has been created |
Capache::geode::client::AuthInitialize | Specifies the mechanism to obtain credentials for a client |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableArrayList | A mutable Cacheable array list wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableHashMap | A mutable CacheableKey to Serializable hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableHashSet | A mutable CacheableKey hash set wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableHashTable | A mutable CacheableKey to Serializable hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableIdentityHashMap | A mutable CacheableKey to Serializable hash map that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableLinkedHashSet | A mutable CacheableKey hash set wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableLinkedList | A mutable Cacheable array list wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableObjectArray | Implements an immutable Vector of Cacheable objects that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableStack | A mutable Cacheable stack wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableUndefined | Implements a DataSerializable object for undefined query results |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableVector | A mutable Cacheable vector wrapper that can serve as a distributable object for caching |
Capache::geode::client::CacheFactory | Top level class for configuring and using Geode on a client.This should be called once to create Cache |
Capache::geode::client::CacheListener | An application plug-in that can be installed on a region |
Capache::geode::client::CacheLoader | An application plug-in that can be installed on a region |
Capache::geode::client::CacheStatistics | Defines common statistical information for both the region and its entries |
Capache::geode::client::CacheTransactionManager | An interface for objects who perform transaction management |
Capache::geode::client::CacheWriter | An application plug-in that can be installed on the region |
Capache::geode::client::CqAttributes | This interface holds all attribute values for a CQ and provides methods for retrieving all attribute settings |
Capache::geode::client::CqAttributesFactory | The factory class for the CqAttributes instance |
Capache::geode::client::CqAttributesMutator | This interface is used to modify the listeners that are associated with a CQ |
Capache::geode::client::CqEvent | This interface provides methods to get all the information sent from the server about the CQ event |
►Capache::geode::client::CqListener | Application plug-in interface for handling continuous query events after they occur |
Capache::geode::client::CqStatusListener | Extension of CqListener |
Capache::geode::client::CqQuery | A Query is obtained from a QueryService which in turn is obtained from the Cache |
Capache::geode::client::CqServiceStatistics | This class provides methods to get aggregate statistical information about the CQs of a client |
Capache::geode::client::CqStatistics | This class provides methods to get statistical information about a registered Continuous Query (CQ) represented by the CqQuery object |
Capache::geode::client::DataInput | Provide operations for reading primitive data values, byte arrays, strings, Serializable objects from a byte stream |
Capache::geode::client::DataOutput | Provide operations for writing primitive data values, byte arrays, strings, Serializable objects to a byte stream |
Capache::geode::client::Delta | This interface is used for delta propagation |
Capache::geode::client::EntryEvent | Represents an entry event affecting an entry, including its identity and the the circumstances of the event |
►Capache::geode::client::Exception | A description of an exception that occurred during a cache operation |
Capache::geode::client::AllConnectionsInUseException | Thrown if all connections in the pool are in use |
Capache::geode::client::AlreadyConnectedException | Thrown when an attempt is made to connect to DistributedSystem second time |
Capache::geode::client::AssertionException | A geode assertion exception |
Capache::geode::client::AuthenticationFailedException | Thrown when authentication fails |
Capache::geode::client::AuthenticationRequiredException | Thrown when no credentials are provided by client when server expects |
Capache::geode::client::BufferSizeExceededException | Thrown when the internal buffer size is exceeded |
Capache::geode::client::CacheClosedException | Thrown when an operation is attempted on a closed cache |
Capache::geode::client::CacheExistsException | Thrown when an attempt is made to create an existing cache |
Capache::geode::client::CacheListenerException | Thrown when the cache listener throws an exception |
Capache::geode::client::CacheLoaderException | Thrown when the cache loader aborts the operation |
Capache::geode::client::CacheProxyException | Thrown when there is an error in the cache proxy |
Capache::geode::client::CacheServerException | Thrown when an exception occurs on the cache server |
Capache::geode::client::CacheWriterException | Thrown when the cache writer aborts the operation |
Capache::geode::client::CacheXmlException | Thrown when the cache xml is incorrect |
Capache::geode::client::ClassCastException | Thrown when a cast operation fails |
Capache::geode::client::CommitConflictException | Thrown when a commit fails due to a write conflict |
Capache::geode::client::ConcurrentModificationException | Thrown when a concurrent operation fails |
Capache::geode::client::CqClosedException | Thrown if the Cq on which the operaion performed is closed |
Capache::geode::client::CqException | Thrown during continuous query execution time |
Capache::geode::client::CqExistsException | Thrown if a Cq by this name already exists on this client |
Capache::geode::client::CqInvalidException | Thrown if the query doesnot meet the CQ constraints |
Capache::geode::client::CqQueryException | Thrown if the Cq Query failed |
Capache::geode::client::DiskCorruptException | Thrown by the persistence manager when the data to be read from disk is corrupt |
Capache::geode::client::DiskFailureException | Thrown by the persistence manager when a write fails due to disk failure |
Capache::geode::client::DuplicateDurableClientException | Thrown when two durable connect with same Id |
Capache::geode::client::EntryDestroyedException | Thrown when an operation is attempted on a destroyed entry |
Capache::geode::client::EntryExistsException | Thrown when attempt is made to create an existing entry |
Capache::geode::client::EntryNotFoundException | Thrown when an operation is attempted on a non-existent entry |
Capache::geode::client::FatalInternalException | Thrown when there is a fatal internal exception in geode |
Capache::geode::client::FileNotFoundException | Thrown when a non-existing file is accessed |
Capache::geode::client::FunctionExecutionException | Thrown if function execution failed |
Capache::geode::client::GeodeConfigException | Thrown when geode configuration file is incorrect |
Capache::geode::client::GeodeIOException | Thrown when there is an input/output error |
Capache::geode::client::IllegalArgumentException | Thrown when an argument to a method is illegal |
Capache::geode::client::IllegalStateException | Thrown when the state of cache is manipulated to be illegal |
Capache::geode::client::InitFailedException | Thrown when persistence manager fails to initialize |
Capache::geode::client::InterruptedException | Thrown when an operation is interrupted |
Capache::geode::client::InvalidDeltaException | Thrown if Delta could not be applied |
Capache::geode::client::KeyNotFoundException | Thrown if a Key is not present in the region |
Capache::geode::client::LeaseExpiredException | Thrown when lease of cache proxy has expired |
Capache::geode::client::LowMemoryException | Thrown if an operation causes fails due to critical memory threshold reached |
Capache::geode::client::MessageException | Thrown when an unknown message is received from the server |
Capache::geode::client::NoAvailableLocatorsException | Thrown if the No locators are active to reply for new connection |
Capache::geode::client::NoSystemException | Thrown when the connecting target is not running |
Capache::geode::client::NotAuthorizedException | Thrown when a non authorized operation is done |
Capache::geode::client::NotConnectedException | Thrown when an operation is attempted before connecting to the distributed system |
Capache::geode::client::NotOwnerException | Thrown when an attempt is made to release a lock not owned by the thread |
Capache::geode::client::NullPointerException | Thrown when a null argument is provided to a method where it is expected to be non-null |
Capache::geode::client::OutOfMemoryException | Thrown when the system cannot allocate any more memory |
Capache::geode::client::OutOfRangeException | Thrown when bound of array/vector etc |
Capache::geode::client::PutAllPartialResultException | Thrown if putAll operation with single hop succeeded partially |
Capache::geode::client::QueryException | Thrown when query exception occurs at the server |
Capache::geode::client::QueryExecutionLowMemoryException | Thrown if the query monitoring featuring detects the server is running low on memory |
Capache::geode::client::RegionCreationFailedException | Thrown when a region creation operation fails |
Capache::geode::client::RegionDestroyedException | Thrown when an operation is attempted on a destroyed region |
Capache::geode::client::RegionExistsException | Thrown when an attempt is made to create an existing region |
Capache::geode::client::RollbackException | The RollbackException exception indicates that either the transaction has been rolled back or an operation cannot complete because the transaction is marked for rollback only |
Capache::geode::client::ShutdownFailedException | Thrown when persistence manager fails to close properly |
Capache::geode::client::SslException | Thrown when an error is encountered during an SSL operation |
Capache::geode::client::StatisticsDisabledException | Thrown when statistics are invoked for a region where they are disabled |
Capache::geode::client::TimeoutException | Thrown when a timout occurs |
Capache::geode::client::TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException | Thrown when the transactional data host has shutdown or no longer has the data being modified by the transaction |
Capache::geode::client::TransactionDataRebalancedException | Thrown when a RebalanceOperation occurs concurrently with a transaction |
Capache::geode::client::TransactionException | This is for all Exceptions that may be thrown by a Geode transaction |
Capache::geode::client::UnknownException | An unknown exception occurred |
Capache::geode::client::UnknownPdxTypeException | Thrown when an unknown pdx type is found |
Capache::geode::client::UnsupportedOperationException | Thrown when an operation unsupported by the current configuration is attempted |
Capache::geode::client::WrongRegionScopeException | Thrown when a region is created in an incorrect scope |
Capache::geode::client::Execution | Gathers results from function execution |
Capache::geode::client::ExpirationAttributes | Immutable parameter object for accessing and setting the attributes associated with timeToLive and idleTimeout |
Capache::geode::client::FunctionService | Entry point for function execution |
►Capache::geode::client::PartitionResolver | Implement the PartitionResolver interface to enable custom partitioning on the PartitionedRegion |
Capache::geode::client::FixedPartitionResolver | Implementers of interface FixedPartitionResolver helps to achieve explicit mapping of a "user defined" partition to a data member node |
Capache::geode::client::StringPrefixPartitionResolver | This class implements a partition resolver which routing object is the prefix of a given key |
Capache::geode::client::PdxInstanceFactory | PdxInstanceFactory gives you a way to create PdxInstances |
Capache::geode::client::PdxReader | A PdxReader will be passed to PdxSerializable.fromData or during deserialization of a PDX |
Capache::geode::client::PdxSerializer | Allows domain classes to be serialized and deserialized as PDXs without modification of the domain class |
Capache::geode::client::PdxUnreadFields | Marker interface for an object that Geode creates and returns from readUnreadFields |
Capache::geode::client::PdxWriter | A PdxWriter will be passed to PdxSerializable.toData when it is serializing the domain class |
Capache::geode::client::PersistenceManager | PersistenceManager API for persistence and overflow |
Capache::geode::client::Pool | A pool of connections to connect from a client to a set of Geode Cache Servers |
Capache::geode::client::PoolFactory | This interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Pool |
Capache::geode::client::PoolManager | Manages creation and access to connection pools for clients |
Capache::geode::client::Properties | Contains a set of (key, value) pair properties with key being the name of the property; value, the value of the property |
Capache::geode::client::Query | A Query is obtained from a QueryService which in turn is obtained from the Cache |
Capache::geode::client::QueryService | QueryService is the class obtained from a Cache |
Capache::geode::client::Region | This class manages subregions and cached data |
Capache::geode::client::RegionAttributes | Defines attributes for configuring a region |
Capache::geode::client::RegionAttributesFactory | Creates instances of RegionAttributes |
Capache::geode::client::RegionEntry | An object in a Region that represents an entry, i.e., a key-value pair |
Capache::geode::client::RegionEvent | Declares region events |
Capache::geode::client::RegionFactory | Provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Region |
►Capache::geode::client::RegionService | A RegionService provides access to existing regions that exist in a Geode cache |
Capache::geode::client::AuthenticatedView | Creates an authenticated cache view to allow credential based access to region services |
►Capache::geode::client::GeodeCache | GeodeCache represents the singleton cache that must be created in order to connect to Geode server |
Capache::geode::client::Cache | Caches are obtained from the create method on the CacheFactory#create class |
Capache::geode::client::ResultCollector | Defines the interface for a container that gathers results from function execution |
►Capache::geode::client::SelectResults | A SelectResults is obtained by executing a Query on the server |
►Capache::geode::client::CqResults | A CqResults is obtained by executing a Query on the server |
Capache::geode::client::StructSet | A StructSet may be obtained after executing a Query which is obtained from a QueryService which in turn is obtained from a Cache |
Capache::geode::client::ResultSet | A ResultSet may be obtained after executing a Query which is obtained from a QueryService which in turn is obtained from a Cache |
►Capache::geode::client::Serializable | This base class is the superclass of all user objects in the cache that can be serialized |
►Capache::geode::client::CacheableKey | Represents a cacheable key |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableDate | Implement a date object based on epoch of January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT that can serve as a distributable key object for caching as well as being a date value |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableEnum | Since C++ enums cannot be directly passed as a parameter to PdxWriter's writeObject and PdxReader's readObject api, wrap C++ enums with an immutable wrapper CacheableEnum class type by specifying enum class name, enum value name and its ordinal |
►Capache::geode::client::CacheableString | Implement a immutable C string wrapper that can serve as a distributable key object for caching as well as being a string value |
Capache::geode::client::CacheableFileName | Implements an immutable wrapper for filenames that can serve as a distributable filename object for caching as both key and value |
►Capache::geode::client::PdxSerializable | An interface for objects whose contents can be serialized as PDX types |
►Capache::geode::client::PdxInstance | PdxInstance provides run time access to the fields of a PDX without deserializing the PDX |
Capache::geode::client::WritablePdxInstance | WritablePdxInstance is a PdxInstance that also supports field modification using the setField method |
Capache::geode::client::PdxWrapper | Allows domain classes to be used in Region operations |
Capache::geode::client::DataSerializable | An interface for objects whose contents can be serialized as primitive types |
Capache::geode::client::PdxSerializable | An interface for objects whose contents can be serialized as PDX types |
Capache::geode::client::UserFunctionExecutionException | UserFunctionExecutionException class is used to encapsulate geode sendException in case of Function execution |
Capache::geode::client::Struct | A Struct has a StructSet as its parent |
Capache::geode::client::SystemProperties | The SystemProperties class |
Capache::geode::client::TransactionId | The TransactionId interface is a "marker" interface that represents a unique Geode transaction |
Capache::geode::client::TypeRegistry | Registry for custom serializable types, both PDXSerializable and DataSerializable |